Life After College

By Daniel Milyavsky I graduated from Bing this past May, and I was the editor of this lofty publication for a year and a half. I’m in medical school now, and I’d like to let my dear readers know what post-grad life is like. I’ve been living it for several months now, so obviously I’m an expert and what I write will mirror your experience exactly (I was going to put a disclaimer that what…

Cultural Authoritarianism and the Liberal Left’s betrayal of Free Speech

By Alex Carros Liberals in the United States, particularly on college campuses, have betrayed the very ideology from which their name derives: classical liberalism. Censorship, authoritarianism, and an increasing hostility towards anyone with certain opinions or ideologies has replaced civil liberty, political freedom, and equality under the law. Universities, complacent in this treachery, have allowed a hostile takeover over what should be a guardian of free inquiry and thought. “Safe spaces” are more important than…

I’m Oblivious and I Support This Message

By Thomas Casey ‘You Can’t Stump the Trump Volume 4’ won’t reach the campaign advertising Hall of Fame. Daisy, 3 O’clock Call, and Willie Horton will never have the seven minute YouTube video amongst their ranks. Yet, the absurd, thinly veiled propaganda piece sets an interesting precedent for the future of offbeat Internet advertising. ‘Can’t Stump’ reached thousands of eyeballs, including those of its subject matter. Mr. Trump saw enough promise to tweet out the…

The Hypocrisy of the Easily Offended

By David Keptsi An uneasy calm has settled over the university now that “Students for Change” is (hopefully) defunct and its plan to turn Binghamton University into an oppressive (yet diverse, woo!) police state is gone. The peace is clearly a calm before the storm, “eye of the hurricane” sort of effect though. Any day now, another idealistic yet somehow still accidently fascist in nature student group will come running in with yet another list…

The Unstumpable Trump

By Yuval Hananya Donald Trump is not going to be the Republican nominee for President in 2016. Or 2020 for that matter, but we all know that’s going to be Kanye’s year anyway. No, Donald Trump will not be the nominee, but that doesn’t make his candidacy any less remarkable or important. It really doesn’t even matter. For the time being, the 10 billion dollar man is invincible, and that is key to understanding why…

Our Dirty Stream: Protecting Our Preserve

By Alex Grabstein One of my idols is a man by the name of Pete Seeger. He was a folk singer and community activist that prided himself in being a voice for the voiceless. In one of my favorite songs, Seeger sings “Well it’s sailing up my dirty stream / Still I love it and I’ll keep the dream / that one day though maybe not this year / My Hudson River and my country…

Not As Marvel-ous As They Seem

By Patrick McAuliffe Keep in mind, I have not yet seen all of the Marvel or DC movies. The assumptions I draw are just that – assumptions. My knowledge of most of them comes second-hand. For others who are hardcore Marvel/DC movie fans, feel free to comment and tell me if I’m semi-right. I’ve been wanting to share my thoughts on these recent comic book movies for a while. Two separate incidents from this summer made…

Return of the Taco Bell!

By Tom Casey Once an icon in the Old Marketplace, Taco Bell will return to campus in glorious fashion. The popular restaurant chain will replace Holy Habaneros as the primary source of Tex-Mex food in the New Union. Sodexo and Campus Facilities jointly announced the— I’m lying. According to all available public information, Taco Bell is not coming back to campus. I lied. Here, I have the graces to immediately admit my fib. Over the…

Transgender Television: Media Acceptance or Corporate Exploitation?

  By Sean Glendon 41% of transgender individuals attempt suicide. That’s two out of every five, which is staggering, especially when compared to the general population. Up to 20% of the LGB community attempts suicide, meaning the T community is double the rates of the other counterparts in the movement. The overall population suicide attempt rate is only 4.5%, meaning a transgender individual is nearly 10 times more likely to attempt suicide than a person…

ABCs of Binghamton

  Alright – Many of the things at Binghamton are ‘Alright’. “How was the food?” “Not great, alright I guess.” Breaks – Just like a middle school dance, Binghamton’s break schedule is awkward and isolated. You’ll be home longer than your friends, and won’t be able to go on spring break with them. Cafe – Yeah, you know that cafe in the marketplace? It’s not actually a Starbucks; it’s Sodexo. Disappointment – A feeling you…

Farewell Binghamton

By Daniel Milyavsky Oh, it hurts to write that headline. I’m graduating in less than a month, and so now it’s time to put my reflections to pen and paper, or rather to keyboard and screen. I don’t have anything particularly groundbreaking or life-changing to say – I don’t think true wisdom really works that well – and my three and a half years at Binghamton have been filled with way too many experiences and…

What You Missed

Epiphany Munoz, who is a member of Students for Change, lost the election for VPMA. The first time she ran, she was the only one on the ballot, and got 70% of the votes, but that election was disqualified because she used a BlackBoard class listserv to campaign, which is prohibited. In the next election, Ruslan Klafehn ran on a write-in campaign. Nobody really knew what his platform was, but SfC wanted to ban Yik…

The Iran Deal and Other Nonsense

By Yuval Hananya Politics. You gotta love it, right? The dirty deals, the secrecy, the deception – it’s the heart and soul of our political system. It’s exactly how this Iran Deal became what it is. I do not and will not pretend to have all of the answers. Many people who I have spoken to simply throw their hands in the air and say “whatever”, or, “any deal is a good deal” – but…

Attorney General Profile: Loretta Lynch

By David Keptsi After weeks of Republican complaints and side-tracking (primarily due to her support of Obama’s executive action on immigration), Loretta Lynch has finally replaced Eric Holder as the new Attorney General of the United States. Based on her qualifications alone Loretta Lynch makes a solid choice for the new Attorney General: humble beginnings in North Carolina, Ivy League education, and experience as district attorney of east New York. When it comes to her…

Upstate Secession: Penn State Binghamton

By David Keptsi Depending on who you ask, the allowance of fracking is either seen as a highly lucrative business venture or a dangerous environmental hazard for townships. While fracking won’t actually make gasoline pour from your sinks as many more naive individuals may believe, there have been numerous studies supporting the fact that it may not be the healthiest natural gas extraction process for local public well-being. 15 towns in upstate New York however,…