Real Fake News

by Thomas Casey The boogeyman of phony news reporting is haunting America. This pervasive, nationwide, deeply ingrained existential threat began, according to Democrats, on Wednesday, November 9th, 2016. Liberals everywhere are crying foul that some made up news stories toppled their otherwise unblemished presidential candidate. Of course, nobody’s got any specific headlines or direct ties to voting outcomes, but that doesn’t matter because any published proof disproving the theory would just be fake news anyway.…

College, Cynicism, and Wallace’s Up, Simba

by Dylan Klein In Up, Simba, an essay collected in Rolling Stone, David Foster Wallace describes his seven-day experience with John McCain and the McCain 2000 campaign staff. Much of the essay describes Wallace’s inner battle between belief in American politics and cynicism about it. On the one hand, Wallace believes that McCain is a genuine leader who, when he says he will “Always. Tell you. The truth,” is saying so candidly. On the other…