What the Hell, Hollywood?

By Thomas Sheremetta If you’ve been following the liberal utopia that is Hollywood, you would see that it’s become a gigantic witch hunt for people who love to take advantage of others… and I’m absolutely loving every second of it. It is simply wonderful that all these pedo creeps are finally being exposed for the monsters that they are. This is thanks to all the women who have finally decided to come out against the many…

Make Them Feel the Heat

By Max Newman It has been nearly a year since President Donald Trump was elected against all odds on November 8, 2016. Since President Trump’s inauguration, America has seen a new Supreme Court Justice in Neil Gorsuch, the cutting of regulations, the gradual remaking of the judiciary, stricter immigration laws and a new Federal Reserve Chairman. However, it is unfortunate that not one major legislative accomplishment has been passed under President Trump, even though Republicans have…

Kremlin Kraziness

By Jordan Jardine Lately, the Democrats have been displaying an incredible talent for creating fake scandals to cover up their own genuine ones. The October 30th indictment of Paul Manafort is a perfect example of this diversionary tactic. I completely agree with the statement that White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made where she pointed out that the mainstream media in the U.S. has been “obsessed” with trying to find any piece of dirt…

Sharia for Everyone

by Suomynona Conservatives of the modern era tend to consistently use terrible talking points to critique Islam. They try to rebut liberals with claims such as “Islam oppresses women” and “we have nothing to learn from Islam.” Let’s examine these claims and see where we can advance our civilization in order to be as enlightened as the Middle East, while at the same time critiquing the crucial points against Islam. Gay provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos tirelessly…

California and the Gender Debate: Conservatives MUST Win the Culture Wars

By Matthew Rosen Over the last couple of years, we have witnessed a major shift in culture wars. The story of this insane wave of the culture wars began during the Obama years, where sensitivity in the country hit an all time high. The entitled became increasingly entitled, the dependent became increasingly dependent, and the triggered became increasingly triggered. We live in a United States where, according to the left, everything you do is racist,…

Taking the BS Out of BSA

By Kayla Jimenez   The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) announced on October 11th, that starting in 2018, young girls will be allowed to join the Cub Scouts, with an Eagle scout program extended to young women by 2019. This isn’t surprising; earlier this year, the BSA voted to allow transgender boys to join the organization. The Wall Street Journal explains that “it seems the Scouts have finally surrendered to the culture war, but the reality…

Spooky Stats Stall Baseball Bats

By Jason Caci   Despite the fact that people are celebrating Halloween for the lone reason that they want to feel justified in their costume choice, it is also time to glue your eyes to baseball’s fall classic: the World Series. Baseball has changed a lot over the past decade, with more management personnel using advanced sabermetrics to scout players. I went into more detail about this in my article “Tech Tock, Tech Tock,” which…

Here’s an Option: Leave North Korea Alone

By Jordan Jardine   Throughout his tenure so far, President Trump has been increasingly hostile toward North Korea. The Hill reported on October 10th that Trump was going to explore a “range of options” with members of his security staff about how to deal with this situation. I can say with almost 100% certainty that staying out of the DPRK’s business was not included in his so-called “range of options.” I understand that Kim Jong-Un…

Communism Was Never About Equality

By Senator Joseph McCarthy The constant waves of protesters demonstrating in the streets against Donald Trump and his policies seem to be drawing out all sorts of leftist groups. We routinely see demonstrators proudly waving the hammer and sickle flag and calling for “death to capitalism”. Socialism and communism are routinely incorporated within social justice doctrine, and capitalism is blamed for all of their woes. College professors have no problem weaving in Marxist indoctrination into…

Ten Trendy Costumes to Rock This Halloween

By Our Staff   1. Colin Kaepernick This costume is right for the times! With Colin all over the news, now is the time to show your support for the black community. What better way to do it then to dress as Kappy himself? All you’ll need is a Kaepernick jersey, some cleats, an afro wig, and, arguably the most important part of the costume, dark-colored foundation! Wow the crowd with this daring and social…

Kap’s Collusion Claims

By: Colin Gilmartin Amidst the turmoil that was my Monday morning, thanks to my 59 year old uncle who somehow trampled my fantasy football team this weekend by 70 plus points without knowing he was playing me, I tuned into the God awful channel that is ESPN to witness the tangible football plays that led to my historic demise this past Sunday. My (hopefully) championship-worthy team was brought to a solid record of 4-2. After…

Words Are Not Inherently Offensive

By Anonymous I’ve recently found myself the target of accusations of racism. These accusations weren’t the result of me doing or saying anything racist, but rather because I said that simply saying the “n-word” isn’t necessarily racist, and that it really depends on the context. I knew people would disagree with me, but I certainly didn’t anticipate the intense hostility and expletive-filled screaming that ensued. They went all-out Tana Mongeau on me. I now have…

Putting the BS in BSA

By Patrick McAuliffe Big news came out (pun intended) of the Boy Scouts of America on National Coming Out Day (October 11th). Starting in 2018, Cub Scout packs will have the option to accept girls, and in 2019 the BSA hopes to have a program ready for young women to earn the rank of Eagle Scout. I know many of my fellow Eagle Scouts and other Scout brothers will disagree with me on this important…

The Politicization of Tragedy

By Annoyed Observer It’s the exact same story every time a tragedy ensues, the only difference being in the details. It starts off with grim news reports that get plastered at the top of the trending stories all over social media. Then we get the body count, with more people confirmed injured or dead as time goes on. #PrayFor_____ and #ThoughtsAndPrayers trend on Twitter almost immediately. Shortly after, the perpetrator’s photo, life story, race, and…

Banning Guns Will Not Prevent Mass Shootings

By Tommy Gagliano On October 2nd, 59 people were killed and more than 500 were injured in the deadliest mass shooting in modern United States history. The attack took place at a concert in Las Vegas and the gunman, identified as Stephen Paddock, shot at people from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. Paddock was found dead in his room, along with more than 20 firearms, including modified assault rifles. The…