Entertainment & Politics Don’t Mix

By Thomas Sheremetta Nothing is better than coming home from a long day of schoolwork and winding down. Some people use this free time for social media, YouTube, video games, and television. We use these forms of entertainment as a way to clear our mind from our real-life affairs. These affairs can include triumphs, hardships, and everything in between. Another affair we must deal with on a daily basis, whether we like it or not, is…

The Rebrand of Deutschland

By Jason Caci Despite the fact that Angela Merkel won her fourth consecutive term as Chancellor of Germany, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), the right wing populist party in Germany, is on pace to secure 88 seats in the Bundestag, according to the Guardian. In hindsight, it might not seem like a lot of seats when one sees that the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) will secure 137 seats and the Christian Democratic Union…

The Left’s Fetishization of Violence: A Response to Sarah Molano

by Sue Doe Nym One of the hallmarks of a functional, thriving society is the principle of freedom of speech: neither the government nor society can use violence, or the threat of violence, to intimidate you into silence. But after their embarrassing defeat to Donald Trump, the Left has grown more and more shrill and desperate; as a result, they’ve grown more radical (and quite frankly idiotic). Portions of their ideological movement have taken a…

The Crisis of American Masculinity

By Christopher DeMarco What if I told you that there was a certain minority demographic in America today that makes up 49% of the population, 80% of suicides, 94% of workplace fatalities, and die an average of 6 years sooner than the rest of the population? (1) This demographic also has had its constitutional rights and equal  protections under the law slowly eroded over the past 50 years. Despite these things, the so-called “progressive” movement…

Protestants are the Real Liberals

By Luke Kusick In order to trace the origins of the modern left, one has to look into history. To start, let us define what is meant by the term right and left. In the context of this article, the right will be concerned with maintaining the traditional culture, hierarchy, and social order. The left is characterized by tearing down the traditional culture, being anti-hierarchical and anti-authoritarian. Defining the left and right in this manner,…

The NFL Meritocracy

By Thomas Sheremetta It is no surprise that the ratings for the first week of the NFL were, to say the least, sub-par. CBS reported that “viewership for the NFL was down 14 percent on a year-over-year basis during the first week of the 2017-18 season.” Seeing this number as a major letdown, people started to develop theories of what caused this lower viewership. Many news outlets, including CBS, Variety, and the Atlantic, used distractions…

Making the Case for Ecolibertarianism

By Jordan Jaline In the wake of catastrophic hurricanes such as Harvey and Irma, there has been an uproar from many on the left for the government to increase efforts to combat climate change and pollution. A recent article from The Hill talks about how environmentalists and blue state governments have formed a coalition of sorts and have threatened to sue the EPA over their decision to delay Obama-era regulations. These regulations are supposed to…

Colin Kaepernick Does Not Deserve to Play in the NFL

By Jason Caci Since the beginning of the NFL Free Agency signing period in March and leading up to the first few weeks of the regular season, Colin Kaepernick has still not signed with a team. Many social activists voiced their support for Kaepernick, saying that he deserves to be in the league and that his political views are the reason as to why he is still on the market. Colin Kaepernick does not “deserve”…

Trump’s Worst Week So Far

By Matthew Rosen   I have been a conservative Republican for as long as I can remember. I supported Trump from the very beginning when there were still 16 candidates in the 2016 Republican Primary. It pains me to say that during the week of September 10th, President Trump alienated the Trump loyalists in his base and will pay the political price. The Trump loyalists are led by people such as Ann Coulter, Paul Joseph…

No Gays in This Farmer’s Hay

by Tommy Gagliano The gay wedding cake controversy strikes again – only this time it’s about a farmer, not a baker. The city of East Lansing, MI has banned Catholic farmer Steve Tennes from selling his produce at the city farmers market because of his stance on same-sex marriage. Tennes is the owner of Country Mill Farms, a property that he sometimes uses to host weddings. He was asked on Facebook if he hosts gay…

Under Eight Feet of Water, Divisive Politics Still Prevail

By Aditi Roy           On Friday, August 25th, a Category 4 hurricane hit the coast of Texas with winds reaching over 130 mph and over 50 inches of rainfall. Hurricane Harvey claimed the lives of over 40 people and has been estimated to have caused over $125 billion in damages. The tragedy brought out the worst of mother nature, along with the best and worst in mankind. Usually people put aside their…

Tech Tock, Tech Tock

By Jason Caci A technocracy is a government that is run by scientists, engineers, or experts in technology. I cannot tell you when the United States will become a technocracy, although the completion of the transition could occur in twenty years, forty years, or even a century or two. However, I can say with confidence that it will happen eventually. Heck, most of the world will probably be run under a technocratic government. Since the…

The Audacity of This Bitch

By Rebecca Goldstein I have been a member of the Binghamton Review for about two years now, and within the past two semesters I have noticed that we have some big issues. See that joke there? In all seriousness, many of our issues (otherwise known as our property) are being defaced and destroyed. Reminiscent of notes your mom left for you in your lunchbox, we’ve had cute notes left for us declaring us “fascists.” A…

America Needs Trump’s Immigration Policy

By: Don Quixote The citizens of the United States of America, fed up with Barack Obama’s refusal to stand up for America’s interests, elected Donald Trump to the presidency on a platform of America First. Obama failed as president to uphold the very purpose of a government “By the people, of the people, and [most importantly] for the people.” The purpose of a government is to provide a collective benefit to the citizens of a…

Free Market(Place)

By Emma Ryan Following the release of Pipe Dream’s article, “Campus Dunkin’ charges more than local Vestal, Binghamton stores,” outrage ensued. Students and employees alike were shocked and offended to discover that “60 of the 90 items were more expensive on campus.” Are these price hikes justified? Is there a solution to the complex pricing system of on-campus eateries? The primary defense of owner Santina Christian is that operating on campus involves a different and…