White Supremacy: The Only Supremacy?

By Random White Dude  Recently, a wave of neo-nazism and white supremacy heavily related to political events, such as the election of Trump, has surged across our nation (and the internet). It has me, a white male, thinking a lot about my place in this country. The Charlottesville riots and the events that followed really struck a nerve across the board, understandably so. Myself and other white people must acknowledge that there is a logical…

ABCs of Binghamton

Anthropology: For people that really REALLY want a hard time looking for a career. Bartle: Great place to pick up printing, Krispy Kreme donuts, and a panic attack. Cramps: They come for free with your meal plan! Downtown: Keep it classy by stumbling from corner to corner while your friends call a cab. For extra pizazz, throw up on the sidewalk. Einstein’s: If you want to eat their bagels at a normal breakfast time, it…

Badly Planned Parenthood

By Kayla Ryan Feminists, a lot of young people, and liberals in general are always “standing” with Planned Parenthood. It seems like a lot of those who #standwithPP have decent health insurance and would likely not even go to PP to receive reproductive health services. Because of the way people talk about PP and make it seem vital to the lives of women everywhere, a naive seventeen year old me assumed there really were no…

A Breath of Fresh Air for America’s Stagnant Education System

by Chris DeMarco Donald Trump’s election to the presidency was a mandate from the American people to “Drain the Swamp,” or remove incompetent career bureaucrats and politicians and install outsiders with new ideas in their place. The Department of Education is one of these incompetent bureaucracies that idly sits, twiddling its thumbs, while America’s education system falls behind those of other industrialized nations. Despite Democrats rambling about eight years of disappointing results under the Obama…

UNraveling United Nations Failures: The Case for Defunding the U.N.

By Aditi Roy The United Nations was founded in 1945 at the end of WWII as a replacement for the failed League of Nations. Its purpose was to maintain international peace and security, establish international cooperation amongst member nations in order to promote equal rights and solve international problems, and be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations within it to achieve a common goal. Under the guise of “trying to maintain international peace,”…

Media Mediation: Time to Intervene?

By Sean Glendon When Congress enacted the Glass-Steagal Act as part of the U.S. Banking Act of 1933, it was an attempt to stabilize financial markets by barring banks from participating in both investment banking and commercial banking activities. Some economists have argued that the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the remainder of the Glass-Steagal Act in 1999, played a role in the 2008 financial crisis. This legislation was enacted to increase trust in an industry…

Global Gag Reflex

By Kayla Ryan A consistently contentious issue is publicly funded access to reproductive services. From the Women’s March(es), to the viral photo of Trump signing the executive action reestablishing the Global Gag Rule surrounded by men (God forbid!), women’s “issues” have been all over the news. People are all up in arms about a group of seven men telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies – yet the executive action is…

Blue Light Battle Endures at Binghamton

By Patrick McAuliffe Since Thursday, April 27th, members of the Frances Beal Society coalition have occupied the Couper Administration building with a sit-in protest regarding the blue-light initiative proposed to increase safety downtown. Binghamton Review staff spoke to the protestors about the proposal on May 1st. The Frances Beal Society, named for a Binghamton native and black feminist activist, is a coalition of students, groups, and community members with the goal of, as member Mary…

OPINION: While Worth Consideration, Protestors Bring Nothing New

By Patrick McAuliffe Binghamton University’s administration has hardly ever been “democratic.” University leadership will usually announce a plan to construct new buildings or renovate old ones or outline a plan for what our funds will be spent on in the next five years with their Roadmap program, and most students go along with it with an apathetic shrug. This was most likely many people’s reaction when the University announced its decision to work with the…

Not-So Hidden Figures: The Costs of Repealing the Johnson Amendment

Political Participation for Religious Organizations Presents Divine Opportunity; Results Could Spell Judgement Day by Zachary Borodkin A few weeks after his inauguration, President Trump signed an Executive Order banning flights from seven countries in the Middle East; the backlash was immediate. That same week, Trump attended the National Prayer Breakfast. The first was held in 1953 and has been attended by every president since Eisenhower. In 1954, then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson attached an amendment to…

Welcome to Hypocri-City: And On Your Right…

by Patrick McAuliffe Philosophical, ethical, and political consistency are things that everyone should strive to attain in their lives. If these things are lacking, one’s ideology quickly falls apart under the slightest scrutiny, and a sound system of beliefs allows for the clearest debates where both sides can fully understand the other’s position. The two major political parties and movements of our day, the liberal Democrats and the conservative Republicans, are too often guilty of…

Welcome to Hypocri-City

by Patrick McAuliffe Philosophical, ethical, and political consistency is something everyone should strive to attain in their lives. If it is lacking, one’s ideology quickly falls apart under the slightest scrutiny, and a sound system of beliefs allows for the clearest debates where both sides can fully understand each other’s position. The two major political parties and movements of our day, the liberal Democrats and the conservative Republicans, are too often guilty of this hypocrisy.…