The Firearms that Shaped America, Part 1

By: John Restuccia Our country is facing incredibly turbulent times. It seems as though everyday on social media one will be bombarded with information overload. Left and right constantly fighting,  and neighbors and family bickering on topics they often know nothing about. One topic specifically being discussed is gun control. Everyone has a stance on gun control nowadays. It doesn’t matter whether you have used a firearm or if you have any background on firearms…

New Media: The Free Market Solution To Fake News

By: Joe Badalamenti In the current age of the internet, social media and mass information you would think that confidence in the mainstream media would be at an all time high. However that couldn’t be further from the truth, in fact trust in mainstream media has been on the decline since the 80s as a majority of Americans distrust the mainstream news media according to gallup. Some explanations for this trend may include the political…

The Joy of Thrifting

I love shopping. It’s my guilty pleasure. I could walk miles inside of one mall just looking at all of the shoes, makeup, clothes, and I’ll never get bored! However, I don’t have any of the money to actually buy anything. Also, I boycott many popular stores because I don’t agree with their business. Shopping has always been complicated for me because even if I have the money to buy something I like, a little…

The Importance of the Trade War

By: Jake García-Falchook Right now in China, millions of Uighur Muslims are locked in concentration camps where they are converted away from their heritage, against their will. Right now in China, the people of Hong Kong are bravely fighting for independence but are actively being suppressed by a government clearly trying to take away freedoms. Right now in China, hundreds of billions of dollars (up to $600 Billion/year) of intellectual property are being stolen from…

Jeffrey Epstein was Definitely Suicided

By: Franklin Wilson Jeffery Epstein died early last month of an apparent suicide, but due to the suspicious circumstances of his death, many people (myself included) believe that Epstein was murdered, or “suicided”. The term “suicided,” which many truthers have used in reference to Epstein’s death, means a murder that is made to look like a suicide. The reason for making a murder seem like a suicide is so that it won’t be investigated.  Epstein…

CS:GO History Made in Berlin

By: Joe Dorn The 2019 Starladder Counter Strike: Global Offensive Major Tournament in Berlin really was a spectacle to behold. Beginning on August 23rd and lasting up until September 8th, 32 teams play it out to determine which team is the best. Also with a $1,000,000 prize pool plus extra from crowdfunding, teams bring all they got, resulting in some of the best performances and craziest upsets you won’t see at any other small tournament. …

The Invasion of Area 51

By Lacey Kestecher About four months ago, Bob Lazar made an appearance on the Joe Rogan Podcast. While Rogan’s podcasts can range up to four hours in length, Lazar’s was on the shorter end of the spectrum, lasting only a little over two hours. Over the course of solely a few days, this episode had become one of the most popular podcasts offered on Apple.  It’s now three months later, and the public is still…

Stop Wasting Time on Assault Rifle Bans

By: Brendan Casey As radical liberal politicians desperately seek ways to win over votes and attack citizens emotions, they begin indicting those who disapprove of their policies. They claim that those who oppose their rendition of gun control and assault rifle bans don’t care about those who were killed by gun violence, and are sub par humans who are content with more mass killings taking place. Anyone who has the smallest knowledge of firearms can…

Responding to Fan Mail

By Tommy Gagliano Last year, before I was Editor-in-Chief of this wonderful paper, I served as the Review’s Social Media Shitposter. (Yes, that was my official title.) While most of my job consisted of uploading articles to our website and sharing them on Facebook and Twitter, I did get a few breaks from the mundane when people would send online “fan mail” our way. Most of these fans just called us fascists or virgins or…

A Force Disturbed

By Nial Parmanan The reshoots for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker recently began. One can only speculate about what elements will be added in post-production. However, a specter of uncertainty has plagued all the media hype surrounding the film. This is mainly due to a divided fandom following the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a film that proved to be more divisive than religion, politics, and pineapple on pizza in the Star…

A Crisis of Confidence

By: Brian Murray It is 3:17 pm. Former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie had just left a meeting with his advisors discussing the future of the new Christie Institute of Public Policy, a non-partisan think tank for aspiring law students who have ambitions of one day holding public office, the expressed goal of which is to bring back a sense of “civility” to modern public discourse. The meeting was cut short because Christie had…

Progressive and Pro-Israel

By Emerald Ashe Last week, the 45th president of the United States said “any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat show a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.” Not even touching the fact that this represents deeply embedded falsehoods of the American Jewish community’s “dual loyalty,” this is the absolute wrong way to go about this. If Trump truly wants to win over and mobilize the Jewish people, he needs to adopt the…

Old Man Yells at Clouds

By Tommy Gagliano Am I really about to go on a rant about smartphones, and “technology bad,” and how the younger generation sucks? Am I really about to out myself as a boomer trapped in a 20-year-old’s body? Am I seriously about to become the epitome of the “Old Man Yells at Clouds” meme? Well, if you’re reading this, that must mean this was published. So I guess I am. This past summer was my…

The Progressive Rise of “Progressive” Violence

By Harold Rook Ah, the current political climate. So welcoming, warm, and not completely polarized to the point of absolute tribalism. Imagine if we got to a point in US politics where we had two radical extremes actively committing violence and terror in the name of their supposed ideals. That would be crazy, right? Unfortunately, this hope for moderation is becoming less and less likely as Americans drift towards the political extremes. This can be…

Isaac’s Song Reviews

By: Isaac Levine   Song: CAN’T SAY  Artist: Travis Scott Album: ASTROWORLD   Around this time last year, Travis Scott released his highly anticipated album ASTROWORLD. A far cry from Rodeo’s goth-trap, the first half of ASTROWORLD stands as the example of Travis fully submerging himself into the mainstream, with SICKO MODE being the breakout single. However, the second half of ASTROWORLD is where the gems are. Here we find CAN’T SAY. A spacious, bouncy, sexy…