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By Our Staff

  1. A living, breathing Thanos
  2. A cure for asbestos
  3. Sand
  4. Toothpaste that 10/10 dentists recommend
  5. Jeffrey Epstein
  6. The fifth Shrek movie
  7. The Omnitrix
  8. Master Chief’s armor
  9. Fix-it ramen
  10. The secret to why kids love Cinnamon toast crunch
  11. Trump’s real hair
  12. Nicholas Cage
  13. Nicholas Cage’s cage
  14. Cage-free Nicholas Cage
  15. The Declaration of Independence (Courtesy of Nicholas Cage)
  16. Ricardo Milos
  17. Despacito 3 (The Third)
  18. An actually good Cardi B song
  19. A living, breathing Danny DeVito
  20. AIDS
  21. Our sense of humor
  22. The original Baxter
  23. A tree with human skin
  24. My Horse Prince
  25. The obvious solution to the Isreal-Palestine conflict
  26. Hinman Dining Hall
  27. Joe Rogan’s DMT stash
  28. [REDACTED]
  29. Wyatt’s dad (Scott)
  30. Waldo (of “Where’s Waldo?”)
  31. Funeral Kazoo
  32. Danny Dorito
  33. The one single Bill de Blasio supporter
  34. Bill de Blasio’s Wife
  35. Dr. Phil’s ranch
  36. The Queen of England
  37. Ligma
  38. Seven-foot Peppa Pigs!
  39. Jesus Christ
  40. The Mullet
  41. Evidence of Kennedy’s real killer
  42. The set of the moon landing
  43. Weed
  44. Water that turns frogs gay
  45. The cure for Fortnite
  46. Obama’s last name
  47. Trump’s tax returns
  48. Mango Juul pods
  49. Hillary’s email server
  50. Real-life Cat Girls
  51. Area 52
  52. Tulsi’s missing campaign donor
  53. One or two buildings
  54. More sand
  55. All the Native American land
  56. Mr. Beast’s bank account
  57. Dr. Phil & Steve Harvey’s love child
  58. (Possibly) A will to live
  59. I don’t remember what this one is
  60. Alex Jones’ sources
  61. IUD for guys
  62. Someone stepping on snek
  63. Legal weed
  64. Illegal weed
  65. Maybe some aliens, I suppose
  66. Karen and the kids
  67. Who the fuck asked you
  68. Ourselves
  69. Nice

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