A Force Disturbed

By Nial Parmanan The reshoots for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker recently began. One can only speculate about what elements will be added in post-production. However, a specter of uncertainty has plagued all the media hype surrounding the film. This is mainly due to a divided fandom following the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a film that proved to be more divisive than religion, politics, and pineapple on pizza in the Star…

A Crisis of Confidence

By: Brian Murray It is 3:17 pm. Former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie had just left a meeting with his advisors discussing the future of the new Christie Institute of Public Policy, a non-partisan think tank for aspiring law students who have ambitions of one day holding public office, the expressed goal of which is to bring back a sense of “civility” to modern public discourse. The meeting was cut short because Christie had…

Progressive and Pro-Israel

By Emerald Ashe Last week, the 45th president of the United States said “any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat show a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.” Not even touching the fact that this represents deeply embedded falsehoods of the American Jewish community’s “dual loyalty,” this is the absolute wrong way to go about this. If Trump truly wants to win over and mobilize the Jewish people, he needs to adopt the…

Old Man Yells at Clouds

By Tommy Gagliano Am I really about to go on a rant about smartphones, and “technology bad,” and how the younger generation sucks? Am I really about to out myself as a boomer trapped in a 20-year-old’s body? Am I seriously about to become the epitome of the “Old Man Yells at Clouds” meme? Well, if you’re reading this, that must mean this was published. So I guess I am. This past summer was my…

The Progressive Rise of “Progressive” Violence

By Harold Rook Ah, the current political climate. So welcoming, warm, and not completely polarized to the point of absolute tribalism. Imagine if we got to a point in US politics where we had two radical extremes actively committing violence and terror in the name of their supposed ideals. That would be crazy, right? Unfortunately, this hope for moderation is becoming less and less likely as Americans drift towards the political extremes. This can be…

Isaac’s Song Reviews

By: Isaac Levine   Song: CAN’T SAY  Artist: Travis Scott Album: ASTROWORLD   Around this time last year, Travis Scott released his highly anticipated album ASTROWORLD. A far cry from Rodeo’s goth-trap, the first half of ASTROWORLD stands as the example of Travis fully submerging himself into the mainstream, with SICKO MODE being the breakout single. However, the second half of ASTROWORLD is where the gems are. Here we find CAN’T SAY. A spacious, bouncy, sexy…

Area 51 and Weaponized Depression

By Patrick McAuliffe Thanks for stopping by, dear reader. My name is Patrick, former EIC-turned-Review groupie. It’s good to be back in the saddle and writing again after a summer (and the beginning of the rest of my life) of mindless obedience to the capitalist system. If you find yourself nodding along with that sentiment, you may be pleasantly – or unpleasantly – surprised with what you find here at the Review. We’re all about…

The ABCs of Binghamton – 2019-2020

By Our Staff A – Asbestos – Currently being taken care of in the University Union and ignored in every other building on campus. B – Binghamton Review: BU’s Last Refuge of Scholars; the only publication on campus that’s worth reading. C – College in the Woods: Yes, that is weed you smell. D – Deer: There’s a ton of these beautiful majestic creatures and they love to roam freely on campus. If you’re from…

A Red Dot in a Sea of Blue; The Importance of Senator Fred Akshar

By John Restuccia New York State is changing rapidly. In the most recent months, politics seems to be moving even farther to the left, with the election of people like Alexandria OCRAZIO-Cortez. The New York State government is completely dominated in all branches by the left. Just look at our current reigning King, Andrew Cuomo, who cares nothing about the state or the debt we are in. A Democrat-lead assembly with Carl Heastie, an assembly…

Yes Doesn’t Mean Yes

By Gemma Wattson Alright men, since the mandatory consent classes at colleges and workplaces aren’t doing enough to teach you all not to rape, I’m going to have to take matters into my own hands. Unfortunately we live in a rape culture that tells men that raping women is a good thing and then sends the victims to prison, and therefore all men have become rapists. It’s time to put an end to that. Get…

The Worst and Best Names

By Liberius Tardium Throughout my time in the 20 years I have been alive, I have seen a lot from the top view of my suburban house where I live. I view myself as a champion of the poor and downtrodden, I once even got my wallet stolen and did not report it to the police as that would only contribute to systematic racism. Besides, my parents just bought me a new wallet with $500…

The State Office Building’s Dark Secrets, Part 3 of 6

By The Urban Exploration Society Standing at a staggering eighteen stories high, the State Office building dominates the Binghamton skyline, making every other structure look like a diminutive testament to smallness. How could any other structure even compete? I’ll tell you how. They don’t. Constructed in the late sixties/early seventies, The State Office Building occupies the space between Binghamton City Hall and the Edwin L. Crawford County Office Building to reflect the unity of each…

Prosperity is Exploitative

By Comrade Pat McCauliffe The local community is the backbone of any society. People bound together by social upbringing and shared values in a small geographic area are the most willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of everyone. At the same time, these communities must set their sights beyond themselves and unite with other communities globally to fight their enemies and preserve their individual rights to not have individual rights. Outsiders merely looking to…

MLK Jr, White Supremacist Scumbag

By Shawn Kinge Martin Luther King Jr. is often considered a hero, and one of the most important figures in securing basic rights for African Americans. He is beloved among the black community, and is even taught about in schools. I demand that this celebration of Rev. King be ceased immediately. The truth is that MLK was an extremely problematic person. He was actually a white supremacist, sent by the KKK to sabotage the black…

Inside the Lesbian and Queer Drug Dealers of Color Leading the Resistance Against Tr*mp in Tampa Bay, FL

By Jessica Charmant-Ortiz All around the country people are uniting to fight against Tr*mp’s sexist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, Islamophobic, pedophobic, transphobic, and patriarchal regime. From college students to college professors, everyone knows 45 has got to go! But in the sunny streets of Tampa Bay, the Resistance looks a little different. Instead of being spearheaded by the typical group of ANTIFA comrades and their classmates, this opposition to 45’s white male supremacy is led by…