Friends to Foes

By Kevin Vorrath As the field of Democratic candidates has continued to dwindle in the days leading up to the Iowa Caucus on February 3, it appears two former allies in the race have turned on each other. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), the two most progressive candidates running for the Democratic nomination, have largely avoided attacking each other throughout the campaign season. It’s been widely reported that the two have…

A Letter to the Political Activists at Binghamton from an Alumnus

By Bradley Horowitz Binghamton University has made headlines through the recent controversies surrounding political activism. It started with the protests at the Columbus Day Parade, in which protesters blocked the parade route. Their goal was to draw attention to the maintenance of the county jail. Republican Mayor Rich Davis and his party responded by announcing a new bill that originally proposed fining and imprisoning anyone who was threatening or annoying a first responder. The Columbus…