The Firearms That Shaped America, Part 3 of 3

By Ron Jestuccia The United States of America is polarized, there are many issues that people disagree about, and insert a third general and obvious statement here. One of those issues that people disagree about is guns. For those that may not know, guns are firearms that shoot things at people or other things. The libtards want to take away the guns, but the chad conservatives know that guns are epic. Guns have been a…

Birds Aren’t Real

Birds. I used to love birds. Being ignorant and in denial of the truth used to suit me. That is… until I received a message from Kathleen Lu and Nora Hines.  I received the message on what I thought would be a run-of-the-mill, lazy Sunday afternoon. I was lying in bed, thinking about doing homework, when my phone buzzed. What I saw would force me to swallow the avian red pill and change my life…

Binghamton Students Bad

By Madeline Perez Hey you! Are you a student who goes to the University of Binghamton? Well, listen up because I’m about to lay down some HARD TRUTHS that some of you just might not be able to handle. The most pressing one is this: Binghamton students as a whole need to learn to simply be better people.  Are you struggling with the transition from the in-person educational system you knew and grew up with…

Progressivism is the only way to Achieve Racial equity

Piper Dreamer (They/Them) As we move further into 2021, I realize how many issues of the past still linger. One issue in particular is racial equity and the treatment of marginalized groups. Recently, we have seen many demonstrations of social justice, from the disruption of racists here at Binghamton to the creation of The Revolutionary CHAZ, to even online activism on sites like Twitter and TikTok. These feats have been instrumental in changing the way…

Why I’m Right and Your’e Wrong

By Xanax Anaximander There is no typo on the title above. My executive decision to “incorrectly,” although, inconsequentially, that is, incontrovertibly unconventionally render the word, in this time and place commonly spelled as “you’re” as “your’e,” was the product of my attempt to fundamentally attack the hegemonic assomptions of the overwhelming of the western cis-heteropatriarchy, as well as astablish myslef, that is, I use these terms for the same reason as I will explore in…

Nature Preserve Out, Quarantine Housing In!

By Mirder O. Crows Controversy strikes Binghamton University again, as students are both outraged and elated from the latest announcement made by Vice President of Student Affairs Brian Rose today, on April 1st, 2021. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many students felt dissatisfied with the current university policy in regards to quarantine housing. Students have voiced a plethora of complaints: there is hardly any quarantine housing left, the dining hall for CIW has closed,…

ABCs of Cancellation

Amerikkka: Is there any way to ignore the blatant, systemic oppression of a good portion of the population throughout our country’s history? To make a better America, the entire thing needs to be cancelled and rebuilt. Binghamton Review: For over 30 years the racist, sexist fascists at the Review have been spewing their hateful content at our beloved University. If anyone needs to be cancelled to make this college a safe, welcoming environment, it should…