New Year, New me. 

By M. Quinn In 2023 I am going to be unrecognizable. Clean break. Here’s my plan.  1. I am going to sleep in the gym so that my body learns how to work out for eight hours at a time. In two weeks, I’ll be able to lift 500 pounds without breaking a sweat. I hate the legs that carried me through last year. The clock struck midnight, which means it’s time to exercise more. …

Politics are Fucked 

By I Hate Dale I’m tired of constantly pulling up Instagram to look at some big titty hoes and seeing that purple circle around the profile picture of some loser I went to high school with, and it’s another copy-paste on why their political opinion is superior to someone else’s. Not only does this interrupt the stories of the people I want to see (the big booty bitches), but honestly it’s sad to see someone…

The Best Music of 2022

By Dillon O’Toole Well, the end of yet another year is fast approaching. That means only one thing: I get to talk about what great music came out this year! As always, this article (that’s totally not a list expanded into paragraphs) will be heavily biased as I won’t be considering anything that I haven’t listened to. So, if you read this and you don’t see one of your favorites on here, I probably just…

How Useful Is Advice?

By Siddharth Gundapaneni Lately, you and your best friend Jimmy haven’t been on the best of terms. Jimmy’s taken issue with another friend of yours, Bob, and wants you to pick between him and Bob. Thus, you decide to speak to Jimmy and try to explain that Bob is not such a bad guy, and if Jimmy would just get to know Bob, he’d realize that as well. Jimmy has a tendency to laugh a…

Am I Supposed to Eat a Dog?

by Midas Leung  One of my first encounters with stereotypes was when I was in elementary school. Though it felt like a majority of my school was of a minority group, everyone had their own eccentricities that we would soon realize made us different from those around us. Closer to fourth and fifth grade, I noticed the people around me becoming more different from one another and started clumping into their own groups. Soon the…

Paradoxically Fun

By Dillon O’Toole If any of you have read my article from last semester, “Yet Another Brick Wall,” you will know that I find great enjoyment in video games. That article in particular talked about my appreciation for a specific genre of video game most prominently made by the developer FromSoftware. A major takeaway from that article was that you can find enjoyment in a genre that many find frustrating. Don’t worry, this article won’t…

Clean the Dishes!

By Dillon O’Toole  As I sit here at my desk procrastinating my various assignments due tomorrow (who needs sleep anyway?), I wonder how I got to the point of actually writing this article. My initial plan for this issue was to rework an article I was writing about some video games (you know, the usual fare from me). Depending on how much time I end up having this week (and also how much content we…

Workin’ 9 to 5, a Way to Make a Livin’?

By: Midas Leung If you ever watch the news between elections or when a politician is getting bashed, one of the main statistics they bring up is the number of jobs available to the population. Although the amount of jobs has been increasing, we see that most are being given to those who don’t necessarily have degrees but rather people who have connections.  Just before COVID, I didn’t know what to do with my life,…

The Online Romanticization of Mental Illness 

By Madeline Perez Mental illness comes with more than just a diagnosis. As stated by Wulf Rössler in The Stigma of Mental Disorders, “There is no country, society or culture where people with mental illness have the same societal value as people without a mental illness.” Societal stigma against mentally ill people is an ever-changing form, shaped through education, media, and their effects (or lack thereof) on individuals. Our culture can greatly affect how we…

My Life as a Sigma Female

By Jeffthekillerlover37 I would like to state that this is 100% serious. It is not satire. You might read this and think, “Ha, what a funny and clever way to own the evil, anti-life feminists,” or whatever the hell would go through your smooth little red-pilled mind while reading an article of this nature, and I want you to know that, from the bottom of my heart, I am not joking.  I am a wolf.…

Horrors of Binghamton Dining 

By Midas Leung Here in Binghamton, we all have our own favorite dining spots, or you just make food at home. You would think that food safety would be the number one priority, but one of my friends says otherwise. One day after a grueling set of classes, my friend decided that he was hungry and went to eat at CIW. He grabbed the most appetizing item to him, in this case a burger, but…

Postmodern Questions and the Project of Truth

By John M.      Now, I’m no philosopher, but I do engage with postmodern questions about the nature of truth; I feel like anyone looking for the truth nowadays has to. Postmodernism has this tendency to pop up everywhere. Some people seem to have very strong opinions on it, though I tend to wonder how many of those people actually understand the logic of the philosophy.      To my mind, postmodernism exposes the foundationless and deluded nature…

Reading is Fundamentally Ill

By Madeline Perez Let me be clear. I am NOT like other girls. I don’t spend my time applying make-up and being conventionally attractive. I don’t own a hairdryer, can’t do dishes, and am able to read an analog clock. Every day, I throw my humble brunette locks into a messy bun and put on clothes that leave everything to the imagination until I am nothing more than an idea. I am cynical and satirical…

Leftist meme alert 2: return of the meme

By Madeline Perez Is the sequel always better than the original? Well, this is part two, babycakes, so even if you’re new here I’d strap in—it’s about to be a wild ride. And by wild ride, I mean depressing and informative.  When we last left off, I was talking about how conservatives utilize women as convenient victims when arguing against the rights of trans people. More broadly, I established how right-wing figureheads have been using…

The Silliest of Seasons

By Dillon O’Toole After reading the title of this article, you may find yourself contemplating what exactly is the silliest season of the year.  You most likely aren’t thinking winter, as winter is too bleak of a season to contain any sort of humor.  Maybe your brain thought of summer, as it’s typically seen by many as the season of joy and fun activities due to its associated sunny weather.  Or, perhaps, you thought of…