Hate Speech is Free Speech

By Sarah Waters As a member of multiple marginalized groups, I have been told absolutely appalling things. These sentiments, among many colorful insults and racial slurs, include, “Your kind is only good dead,” “I know to never trust one of you people,” and “Go back to where you came from!” It hurts. It’s heartbreaking. Those people are cruel. And I wholeheartedly support their right to say those things. We live in a society in which…

Why Luigi is Better Than Mario

By Matthew Rosen Despite the fact that I love politics, even I have to admit that it gets exhausting every once in awhile. Because of that, I decided to write a non-political article that everyone can be interested in. On top of that, we all could use non-stressful articles during finals. I, of course, will continue to write political articles, but the idea of more relaxing themes like this seems fun. Recently, I saw a…

Fuck You, Chris Brown

By John Restuccia Dear Chris Brown: fuck you. Seriously. Chris Brown is one of the most repulsive human beings alive. The fact that Chris Brown is still relevant and the media has left behind his awful actions, which are still happening as recent as last year with his ex-girlfriend as reported on by Daily Mail, is a tragedy in of itself. Let’s start at the beginning though. For all three people who don’t know, Chris…

An Anarchist’s Critique of the Democratic Party

By Jordan Jardine Like a few of my Review colleagues and contributors, I am an ex-Democrat. I supported the Democrats during the 2008 election cycle because I liked then-Senator Barack Obama’s “Hope and Change” message. I also supported his re-election in 2012. In 2014, when I turned 18, I couldn’t wait to register as a Democrat. However, after the 2016 election, I left the Democrats. Actually, it would be more accurate to say the Democrats…

5 Things I Wish I Had Done in College

By Jonathon Mecomber As I have been preparing for graduation within the next month, I have had some time to reflect on my time in college. Without a doubt, college has introduced a range of experiences which will be with me for the rest of my life. Above all, I am most grateful for the friendships that I have made and the opportunities that I have encountered and I am sure that many other students…

Anarchism vs. Authoritarian Leftism

By Jordan Jardine If you listen to the mainstream media or conservative pundits, you probably have heard them make generalizations about “the left.” For instance, one can often hear someone like Ben Shapiro refer to “the folks on the left… “ No nuance, no gray area. Also, mainstream conservative commentators like Tucker Carlson can also over-generalize about “the left.” Usually, when commentators such as the ones mentioned above make these generalized statements, they apply them…

MAGA – Muslim And Going Armed

By Faisal Garand “You’re only good dead.” “I hate you.” “I can’t wait for you to be placed in a camp.” “Someday we’ll get you.” “I’ll kill you first.” These are things my fellow Americans say to me. But why? Did I strangle a baby? Did I sell secrets to North Korea? Did I burn 2,000 puppies alive in a shipping container? No, nothing like that. My great sin? Being a Muslim. These are just…

From Marx to Burke: My Political Journey

By Jonathon Mecomber One quote that is often attributed to Winston Churchill is: “If a man is not a socialist by the time he is twenty, he has no heart. If he is not a conservative by the time he is forty, he has no brain.” In some ways, this very quote describes my own transition across the political spectrum from revolutionary Marxism to conservatism. To this day, I still remember the moment when I…

Mac and Cheesus

By Adrienne Vertucci and Patrick McAuliffe From the same people who brought you “Additional Top-Bing-S Cost Extra,” Binghamton’s finest pizza review, we now bring you “Mac N Cheesus,” Binghamton’s finest Macaroni and Cheese review. This delicacy is a childhood staple, especially for picky kids or lazy parents. It’s even good for lazy and or childish college students! Like any good cuisine, however, it can get rather extravagant– none of that “add water and microwave” bullshit,…

Why I Left Feminism

By Sarah Waters “Feminism literally means equality!” We’ve all heard this trademark howl from today’s third-wave feminists. It’s their trump card (oh, sorry, their Hillary card), the place to which they retreat during any debate regarding the subject. If we were to simply look at the dictionary definition of the term, then technically they’d be correct. But if we are to face reality (something which many feminists are incapable of doing), we find that, in…

Summer Camp Lessons

By Tommy Gagliano I have been working at a summer day camp on Long Island for the past three summers. The pay is awful, parents don’t tip enough (if they tip at all), the kids are annoying, there are bugs everywhere, we’re often short-staffed, and I love every minute of it. I’m probably the only college student ever that hates having to leave their job to came back up to school at the end of…

Four Tips for Homesick Freshmen

By Laura D’Angelo If you’re a freshman and you’re reading this, congratulations! That means you’ve successfully survived your first few days as a Binghamton University student without getting kicked out, having to call your parents to bring you home, or being found passed out on a table in C4 at four in the morning. (Okay, maybe the third one happened.) Regardless, you’ve gotten through your first couple of days of college in one piece. WOO!…

Expectations for This Year

By Matthew Rosen To all of the returning students, welcome back to Binghamton! And almost more importantly, welcome to all of the new freshman! I expect 2018-2019 to be a crazy year, so let’s start of with some expectations for both President Trump, and the Binghamton Review. This article will stray from my typical writing style and be more of a checklist for things I want to see happen politically this year. Hopefully at the…

Left-Leaning Catholics Aren’t A Thing

By Alex Carros Last issue, colleague and friend of mine Jordan Jardine published an article in which he argued that libertarian Catholics are “a thing,” and that not all members of the Church are socially conservative Republicans. Now, before I begin, I want to make it clear to both Jordan and you, the readers, that I am not trying to shame or browbeat anyone for what they believe. He, like you, is entitled to have…

Individualism and Catholicism

By Luke Kusick Individualism and the elevation of its desires over anything else is the trademark of liberalism. From classical to neo-liberal, from progressive to cuckservative, the hallmark of liberalism is the emphasis of the individual. Whether one wants to be liberated from societal norms, from big government or from God, liberalism inherently places the emphasis on the individual. Either make or break for the rugged individualist. Why do I bring up the topic of…