The BDS Resolution Repeal, or “Nothing Ever Happens”

By Arthur O’Sullivan Well that was stupid.  If you’re just tuning in, last semester’s Student Association bill, S2324-R11 (Resolution Calling for Binghamton University Divestment), has been rescinded. As I’ve written previously, the resolution mandated that the Student Association call for a ceasefire in Gaza and denouncement of Israel, implementing the principles of SUNY BDS (an activist organization which calls for SUNY schools to completely break all ties with Israel). I didn’t like the bill then,…

“Did We Forget?” 9/11 and Bing Review Humor

By Arthur O’Sullivan Sit down, kids. It’s time for a zoomer who was born after 9/11 to yap about this national tragedy to an audience of other zoomers even further removed from 9/11. Has anybody noticed that it’s become safe to joke about now? Sure, jokes about the terrorist attacks that killed 3,000 people probably started by midnight September 12th. Yet at some point in the intervening 23 years, 9/11 jokes went from being too…

Saving Our “Democracy”

By Comson Cao Welp, folks, it’s here again. It’s the most important election of our lifetimes again, just like we’re told for all the past election cycles. If we don’t vote now, it will be all over for democracy, and we will all be living in a fascist dictatorship. Some may have grown skeptical and tired of hearing this narrative constantly, but it seems to work well enough that it gets people riled up every…

The SA’s BDS Masochism

By Arthur O’Sullivan I no longer fear Hell. I have seen the SA. After writing six pages excoriating the appalling state of Israel-Palestine dialogue in academia, I hoped my last article would be my final word on the subject. Unfortunately—as so many statesmen have learned before me—this quagmire has a way of sucking people back in. Those who subjected themselves to my previous articles know that I have a bit of a pro-Israel bias. The…

An Interview with Donna Lupardo, NYS Assemblywoman

By Arthur O’Sullivan In a previous issue, I interviewed NYS Assemblywoman hopeful Lisa O’Keefe for our district 123. I have a history of interviewing political candidates, doing so for Happy Medium last fall during Binghamton’s city council race, Johnson City’s mayoral race, and Broome County’s District Attorney race. In this issue, I interviewed incumbent Representative Donna Lupardo. Together, these should present the two sides of our local politics, at least in this race. As I…

The State of Israel-Palestine Dialogue On Campus, Part II

By Arthur O’Sullivan My previous article created a timeline of events pertaining to the Israel-Palestine debate on campus, up to the February 14th Peace Quad protest. It was there that I interviewed my opposing sources for the article: Saul Hakim of the Binghamton University Zionist Organization (BUZO) and a local Palestinian organizer who asked to remain anonymous. This article aims to expand this timeline to the present and give a final verdict on the “state…


By Logan Blakeslee The implausible has become reality at our beloved Binghamton University. Not since Truman beat Dewey has this college been so thoroughly shaken to its core. Donald J. Trump proved victorious during the campus mock election held on March 18, 2024. It is this humble author’s opinion that these results reveal the hopes and reservations held by the larger student body, despite the relatively small sample size. Younger voters have made their dissatisfaction…

An Interview with Lisa O’Keefe, NYS Assembly Candidate

By Arthur O’Sullivan In case you haven’t noticed, it’s an election year. Before the federal drama of a Biden-Trump rematch consumes us this fall, I’d like to draw student attention to more local races. I did the same in Happy Medium last fall for Binghamton’s city council race, Johnson City’s mayoral race, and Broome County’s District Attorney race. This year, we turn our eyes to Albany, where elections for NYS assembly will impact everyone at…

Why we need to bring the campus preacher back

 Calan Ibrahim  The First Amendment is the first because it is the most important. Freedom of expression is the acclaimed American ideal that separates us from the uncivilized countries of this world such as Canada. It brings passionate civil discourse, a dialogue necessary to fostering innovation and new ways of thinking, and a third thing.  This is why, in celebration of freedom of speech, we must bring back the campus preacher. But who is the…

Does Rodgers Edge Dick? Hank Pecker Weighs In

Target “Tugboat” Thatcher Preface: Every four years, the impending doom of the Presidential election looms over the heads of millions of median voters across the great state of America. Both the Republican and Democratic nominees and their respective handlers have, yet again, become the talk of the landfill that is Twitter (X sounds like a porn site, so I’ll refrain from repeating or using it). However, a new figure has entered the presidential dogfight, and…

Do Democrats Dream of MAGA Sheep? A Transmission from the Future.

By Arthur O’Sullivan Editor’s note: I’ve received some strange articles in my time as Editor-in-Chief, but I’ve never seen an article like this. The other day, “Arthur O’Sullivan” had sent me an article from an email I didn’t recognize. I had no memory of writing the message therein. Nevertheless, he bore all of my style and mannerisms, not to mention him knowing many private details of my life. To that end, I’m forced to believe…

The Right Should Abandon The Gender War

By Shayne O’Loughlin “There are only two genders,” proclaims another picket sign in front of yet another school board in some suburban town. This image conjures up the apparent last resistance of the right-wing en masse to ‘protect our children’ from the ‘pervasive practice’ of gender ideology. It’s not uncommon to hear a boomer reminisce on the halcyon days when “you were either a boy or a girl” while watching yet another Fox News piece on…

The State of Israel-Palestine Discussion on Campus 

By Arthur O’Sullivan Over five months have passed since the outbreak of war in Gaza following the October 7th terrorist attacks on Southern Israel. The military response from the Israeli government and IDF has caused worldwide consternation. Debate rages at all levels; invocations of “genocide” are commonplace. All are forced to reckon with past and present wrongdoing. No part of the world is unaffected, not even Binghamton University. This is hardly surprising. Over one quarter…

Have You Got “The Right Stuff?”

By Logan Blakeslee Dating culture in the 2020s is an unmitigated disaster. Too often we hear reports about rising loneliness among men and the worsening effects of sexual objectification on women. Dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, or once promised a tantalizing alternative to the task of talking to someone of the opposite sex. Instead of fumbling a pickup line at the bar or the workplace and facing a humiliating rejection, millions of Americans could…

“On the Political Warpath”: The Iowa Republican Caucus

By Logan Blakeslee The future of the United States is likely a subject which hangs over the minds of many college students. Armchair theorists and media pundits are rallying to announce that the “end of American democracy” is nigh, and such a prediction is bound to stir up feelings of hostility between voters of both parties. The outcomes of Donald Trump’s many court cases will pose uncertainties for the powers and limitations on the Executive…