A Former Student’s Reflections on the September 11 Attacks

Louis W. Leonini, class of 2005, was on campus twenty years ago as the events of September 11, 2001, unfolded. The account below is what Binghamton’s campus felt like to him before, during, and after the attacks of that day, and his reflection on it after twenty years. The names used in the article are fictional to protect the privacy of those involved. Last day of innocence: Oneida Hall, Monday, September 10th, 2001. High of…

The Workplace Sexism That No One Talks About

By Tommy Gagliano Let’s start off with a fact about me: every job I have ever had has involved working with children. (Well, every job that the IRS knows about, that is.) Let’s continue with another fact about me: I am a man. The latter fact undeniably complicates the former. Let’s talk about it. I’m going to present a few scenarios to you, the reader. I want you to think about how each of them…

New York Vaccine Apartheid

By Joe Badalamenti In the past year and a half, the world experienced two tragedies: the COVID-19 pandemic, and the lockdown crisis which surrounded it. After a year of intense research, the development of a COVID vaccine had reached the stage of distribution to the public. Given the effectiveness of the vaccines, many were hopeful that the availability of the vaccines would put an end to these devastating regulations. Unfortunately, certain regulations were not only…

Who’s Responsible For The Fall of Afghanistan: Biden or Trump?

Julius Apostata It’s important to take a moment to reflect on the year we live in: 2021. Yes, it seems that we have somehow ended up in the worst possible timeline, given the increased challenges throughout the past year and a half. But this year also marks an important milestone in American history, given that it has been nearly two decades since 9/11. Regardless of our varying deposition towards “The War on Terror”, it’s safe…

Cowardly Cuomo’s Capitulations & Closed Conferences

By Patrick McAuliffe Despite my own southern European heritage and the continuation of the Gagliano dynasty (congrats on being elected EIC for next year, Matt), Binghamton Review is not a safe space for Italian people. More specifically, the Review is not a safe space for one Italian man. My animosity for Governor Andrew Cuomo is old news, but the news on Big Fredo seems to change every day. He continues to be hostile to the…

“For Your Health”

By Marc Anthony For better or worse, the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, has approved or banned things “for people’s health”. A few of the things the FDA has banned include Haggis, flavored e-cigarettes, unpasteurized cheese, various colorant chemicals, oil of saffron, and tonka extract, citing their potential for harmful effects to the body as cause for their bans. However, I’m not writing an article to argue about how wonderful Haggis is and how…

Parting Advice

By Jake Schweitzer Frankly, I can not believe that four years have passed since I began my education at Binghamton University. To me, it doesn’t seem real; I still remember waking up and being packed into my parents’ car, before being driven four hours across the state while the sky was still kissed pink-rose, thinking it was just another day before high school. The anxiety and, to a lesser extent, homesickness, really hit me a…

An Ethical Oversight: A response to Pipe Dream and Binghamton Review

Jonny Fast On April 12th, Pipe Dream published an article titled Banning gender-affirming care is unscientific, abhorrent, discussing a recent wave of legislation banning certain gender dysphoria treatments for minors. As a disclaimer, I am not against the existence of trans people, but I believe that minors below the age of 18 should not be able to make a decision that can have dire consequences on their lives. The article was, in my personal opinion,…

The Great Music Released During a Pandemic

By Dillon O’Toole Looking back on my article from one year ago, 2020 Sucks (But at Least the Music Is Good), the title still holds up to this day. 2020 was a year to forget in most aspects, but throughout the year great new music was continually released. The trend of good music being released seems to have continued into 2021, as I have found several albums that I consider to be quite good already.  …

Social Media At Large

By Patrick McAuliffe Does anyone really read the Terms and Conditions that accompany setting up a new social media account? For all anyone may know, Facebook or Twitter could ban one’s account for any reason, at any time. Many conservatives believe that their pages and accounts disproportionately suffer from bias on behalf of large social media companies, although proving this with empirical data on which accounts and pages are removed is difficult when a private…

Shots! Shots! Shots! …Everybody?

By Marc Anthony For decades, schools have mandated vaccinations in the name of public health, claiming that vaccinating the nation’s youth is the quickest, most efficient, and least costly road to herd immunity. The government’s claim has proven true in many cases: Smallpox, Polio, and Measles have been entirely eradicated, and many other severe illnesses have had very few outbreaks thanks to childhood vaccination. In mass-vaccinating children, the government has saved millions of dollars in…


By Joe Badalamenti It seems that there is yet another scandal in DC. Florida Representative Matt Gaetz has been accused of a flurry of crimes, from prostitution to outright sex trafficking.  Allegations on this scale can be career-ending to a politician such as Gaetz, though Representative Gaetz has taken the path of outright denying these allegations, claiming it is the result of a smear campaign by the mainstream media. Are the allegations all astroturf set…

Russian Into Some Foreign Aggression

By Julius Apostata Привет, товарищ! Greetings, comrade! Welcome to the most free and open country in the world… RUSSIA! Here, we obey glorious Russian leader Vladimir Putin while aggressively—I mean righteously, of course!—reclaiming land that is owned by other countries. Да, maybe those from the West can claim that what we are doing is extremely aggressive foreign expansion, but trust us, this is legit! After all, that weakling—I mean, totally not a convenient target—Ukraine had…

COVID Insanity

By Joe Badalamenti In the year 2020, Americans were faced with the biggest crisis in over a decade. COVID-19 went from a regional virus to an uncontrollable pandemic spreading worldwide. The major effects of this pandemic were a national recession and widespread panic amongst American citizens. The challenges that the country faces call for courage and leadership to guide everyone through these troubling times. What we saw was the opposite. To combat the pandemic, we…

Papers Please!

By Patrick McAuliffe As the world begins to reopen from the pandemic and millions of COVID vaccines are being administered to more and more groups of people, a startling trend has started to emerge. Talking heads, people who haven’t left home in a year, and many others in between are calling for legislation to mandate proof of vaccination against COVID in order for a person to return to pre-pandemic participation in society. Restaurants, airports, concert…