Why I Lack Optimism for Post-Covid America

By Arthur O’Sullivan This past Easter, I had the good fortune of being able to come home and celebrate the holiday with my politically divided family. The men in the family tend to be varying shades of conservative; the women tend to be varying shades of liberal. We get along well despite this, and we had a mostly peaceful Holy Week, with the exception of one day, which saw a rather explosive argument about COVID-19…

Handsy Andy and #MeToo Hypocrisy

By Patrick McAuliffe My Twitter account (@sadtrickmcawful, shameless plug) has become an official Andrew Cuomo hate account over the past few weeks. Back in October, I cataloged the Cuomo administration’s deliberate miscounting of the deaths in New York’s nursing homes, which the major news outlets have finally gotten around to reporting about. By itself, this should be enough to immediately remove Big Fredo from the governorship and destroy his public reputation, as he allegedly threatened…

GME Stonks: Is It Legal?

By Julius Aposta I’m going to start this article off in a way completely different from most Binghamton Review articles: with a disclaimer. I am, by no means, a financial or legal expert; if at some point I seem to be questioning the legality of specific tactics or strategies employed by certain groups, take this speculation with a grain of salt. Nonetheless, I do want to talk about something I am passionate about: trading stocks.…


by Julius Apostata Picture this scenario: you’re a political candidate for the United States House of Representatives in 2014. Maybe you were elected back in 2012 and you’re running a reelection campaign. And, for the sake of argument, you need money. Naturally, your campaign needs to raise funds so you can get back in office and grow your powerbase. So you do just that; holding fundraising events and telling everyone that they should donate to…

The Right Won, and Here’s Why

By Michael Ford Friends, no need to lick our wounds.The right won, by right I mean a double entendre: right-leaning, conservative patriots as well as right vs. wrong.Here’s why the right won: Because the media lost; their bias has been unquestionably exposed. Because pollsters lost; even Dems are shaking their heads in wonder as to what happened. Because Trump got 72 million votes; that’s unheard of for a (presumably) defeated candidate. Because Trump did not…

A Federalist Solution

By Joe Badalamenti The past four years have been a wild ride, to say the least. While the current election has produced many uncertainties, one thing which I can say for certain is that the American people are divided. This polarization did not come out of nowhere; it has been growing in the last decade and amplified by multiple bad actors, such as politicians and the mainstream media. If not checked properly, this growing polarization…

The Greatest Arbiter of Human Rights!

By Murder O. Crows Hear ye, hear ye! Today, we, the most legitimate and fair council of the United Nations, begin the legal proceedings regarding none other than the greatest dictatorial power to ever walk the face of the Earth: The United States! Yes, the United States, that great world policeman whose feats of bringing about freedoms and democracy across the globe have come at a cost. Such a cost, in fact, that it’s time…

Public Enemies No. 45

By Patrick McAuliffe We’re almost through the madness that is 2020. The presidential election has come and gone, and while Trump will have his day(s) in court to dispute the results, Joe Biden is most likely cemented as the incoming 46th US President. All signs point to a messy transition, and we will need to see how Biden plans to govern America. Hopefully, his tweets about “coming for” gun manufacturers and national mask mandates are…

The Death of Alex Trebek is the Last Straw

By Laura DeLuca On the morning of November 8th, we lost a legend. An iconographic symbol of American television game shows. Arguably the best game show host in history. A bold statement, but I’d make a case for it. He was the most intelligible and quick-witted eighty-year-old man that I had ever come across. He had all of his marbles, which is more than what most people have. Especially at that age. Yes, it’s true—we…

One-Trick Tenney and NY-22’s Other Candidates

By Patrick McAuliffe Binghamton students may not care much for local politics. As seems to be the trend in college-dominated towns, students come for four years to get their education, widely-available booze, and socialization with people their own age before heading out into the world for better opportunities. However, should you, dear reader, care to know how our Congressional district’s candidates stand on current issues beyond the D, R, or L next to their name,…

Who Are We Voting For?

Binghamton Review is nonpartisan—as an organization, we do not support or endorse any particular parties or candidates. As individuals, however, our staff certainly have opinions. Here are the endorsements for President of the United States from nine staff members that felt comfortable sharing. Tommy Gagliano – Jo Jorgensen Best policies, mentally stable, and no sexual assault allegations? Sign me up. It also helps that Jorgensen is the most strategic option for New Yorkers who oppose…

Why I’m Voting for Jo Jorgensen

By Tommy Gagliano On November 3rd I will go to my polling place in Binghamton, New York to cast my vote in the 2020 election. For president, I will see the option of “Joseph R. Biden / Kamala D. Harris (D),” and I will pass them over. I will then see “Donald J. Trump / Michael R. Pence (R),” and again I will pass. Finally, I will get to “Jo Jorgensen / Jeremy ‘Spike’ Cohen…

Trump vs. Biden vs… Jorgensen? Kanye?

By Adam K. Garcia Believe it or not, it’s been four years and we are caught yet again in another historical presidential election. President Trump is up for re-election and his opponent is Joseph Biden, the 77-year-old former Vice President under the Obama administration. Just how it was in 2016, many voters feel conflicted about their choices for President. The progressive faction (the Bernie Bros of the world) has expressed discontent yet again with the…

Cuomo Killed Grandma… and New York

By Patrick McAuliffe I’ve tried to steer clear of COVID-centric analysis so far this semester. It’s on everyone’s minds and every news platform, so if you aren’t at least partially aware of societal expectations and new information by now, you must be more closed off from society than Jared Leto when he was living as a hermit in mid-March. Our own school was finally closed last Wednesday due to rising local cases. However, it would…

Judging the Judges

By Harold Rook Welp, its election season, and do you know what that means? Yep, time to be bombarded with ad after ad about how Donald Trump or Joe Biden are either the coming Messiah or worse than Saddam Hussein! Maybe if you’re astute with the political goings-on, you may even be following local and Congressional races across the country. Of course, if you are like me, you’re about to see your preferred presidential candidate…