The S.A. Election Autopsy

By Logan Blakeslee Running for a position on the S.A. E-Board can sometimes feel like Don Quixote charging at a windmill. Without the necessary social capital, it’s a task that is very easy to miscomprehend, and failure is nothing short of spectacular. I begin this article with the concession that I was not the victor in either the 2021-2022 or 2023-2024 S.A. presidential elections, and the temporary sting of defeat has given way to reflection…

Coulter Catastrophe at Cornell

By Logan Blakeslee Something was amiss on the cold night of November 9, 2022. In the prestigious Myron Taylor Hall at Cornell University, a large crowd gathered to hear a guest speaker who carries a certain degree of infamy in American media, Ann Coulter. An author, commentator, and conservative firebrand, Coulter was bound to attract some negative attention while visiting one of the most liberal colleges in New York, if not the United States. The…

The Jon Lizak Incident

By Logan Blakeslee, Sean Harrigan, and Arthur O’Sullivan The United States of America experienced an unprecedented event on January 6, 2021: A sitting president refused to concede his electoral loss, believing that the vote had been stolen through massive voting fraud. That day, nearly 12,000 ardent supporters of Donald Trump gathered at the U.S. Capitol Building for a “Stop the Steal” protest, in a last-ditch effort to pressure republican senators and vice president Mike Pence…

Misunderstandings: Necessary Corrections To “LEFTIST MEME ALERT”

Julius Apostata Let me start this by saying the following: I have nothing but respect for Madeline Perez. She’s a great writer, a talented artist, an amazing EIC, and a good friend. I also appreciate her leadership of Binghamton Review, as I know she’s currently maintaining it as a conservative-principled platform that allows the voices of all to be heard, whether the reader personally agrees with them or not. All these things are what I…

Leftist meme alert 2: return of the meme

By Madeline Perez Is the sequel always better than the original? Well, this is part two, babycakes, so even if you’re new here I’d strap in—it’s about to be a wild ride. And by wild ride, I mean depressing and informative.  When we last left off, I was talking about how conservatives utilize women as convenient victims when arguing against the rights of trans people. More broadly, I established how right-wing figureheads have been using…

Most Controversial Binghamton Review Review!

By Madeline Perez 2019. The start of my freshman year at Binghamton University. Rosy-cheeked and baby-faced, I would still be 17 long after it was cool. Eager to be out of the stressful environment of my youth, I had a short period of ignorant bliss, unaware of the imminent rude awakening the winter would bring. But I’m not here to talk about how my greatest adversary, mental illness, was there waiting for me in the…

An Ethical Oversight: A response to Pipe Dream and Binghamton Review

Jonny Fast On April 12th, Pipe Dream published an article titled Banning gender-affirming care is unscientific, abhorrent, discussing a recent wave of legislation banning certain gender dysphoria treatments for minors. As a disclaimer, I am not against the existence of trans people, but I believe that minors below the age of 18 should not be able to make a decision that can have dire consequences on their lives. The article was, in my personal opinion,…

SA Presidential Interview: Logan P Blakeslee

So why don’t you introduce yourself and explain why you should be SA President, briefly?  As you already know, my name is Logan Blakeslee, and I’ve been involved in the SA for about two-and-a-half years now. Before that, I attended SUNY Broome as a freshman, where I was elected as a Student Senator and later Vice President of Student Affairs. These days I represent OC3 in the SA Congress. I feel as though I would…

A Winter Reading List

By Harold Rook Hey, you there! Yeah, you! Do you spend all your time gaming and watching movies? Do you hate hearing from different perspectives? Do you hardly ever read? Well, then you better get ready, because I’m about to introduce something that will blow your mind! Introducing: reading! Something nobody ever really seems to do anymore! In all seriousness, however, it does seem like there aren’t that many people that are reading books for…


By Tommy Gagliano On March 18, 2017, I announced what college I would be attending the following August on Instagram, stating “Officially going to Binghamton I guess. Meh.” I was obviously very enthusiastic and excited to be a Bearcat. Sarcasm aside, I wanted to go to the real BU—Boston University—and I felt that being relegated to Binghamton with a 1520 SAT score was insulting. As a straight white male, applicants that checked off one or…

YAF and College Republicans Sue Binghamton University

By Binghamton Review Staff On July 21st 2020, Young America’s Foundation (YAF)—joined by Binghamton University College Republicans and College Republicans President Jon Lizak—filed a federal lawsuit against Binghamton University. According to YAF, the civil rights action is taking place due to what they believe to be a failure by the University to ensure the protection of the First and Fourteenth Amendment, as well as seemingly targeting conservative student groups. In addition to being directed towards…

Campus Presswatch: Pipe Dream Lies in Review (2019-2020)

By Our Staff Typically, we here at Binghamton Review have had a friendly relationship with Pipe Dream. Sure, we may take a gander at some of their opinion articles and have a good chuckle or two, laughing at what we find to be logically ridiculous or baseless claims. However, at the end of the day, we usually believe that these claims are solely limited to Pipe Dream’s opinion column, and that the staff that work…

Losing Your Headphones

By Harold Rook Hello, comrades! After reading a LOT of Krompkin and Marx, watching popular BreadTube channels, and eating some weird paint chips that fell from the ceiling of a condemned building near my house, I have decided to become a part of Antifa. After mingling with fellow leftist revolutionaries in a Starbucks and determining what flavor I should make my soy latte, we put on our black clothes and took to the streets, protesting…

The Dangers of Mob Mentality

By Joe Badalamenti It’s been over four months since the spike in political tensions on campus here at Binghamton University. In November, a mob of students led a coordinated protest against a table of College Republicans and TPUSA members. Several days later this group took over a planned speaking event hosted by College Republicans in which famous economist Arthur Laffer was planned to speak about economic theory and how tariffs would affect American workers. While…

Response to Frances Beal Society’s Response to Tom Reed & Harvey Stenger

Dear Frances Beal Society, I made a great sacrifice in writing this. Not only because it means forfeiting my sexy article for Binghamton Review’s Valentine’s Day issue, but because it means I have to stoop to your level and engage in a discussion I shouldn’t have to have. I must set the record straight for the 10th time, knowing full-well the facts will get glossed over in place of emotional self-victimization. I write to tell…