Meet Me in the AIPAC Lobby

By Mayer Amschel   In today’s toxic political climate, it seems that everything has to be partisan. We cannot seem to agree on anything, from how many genders there are to whether or not traps are gay (they are). According to Pew Research Center, the average political partisan gap has increased by twenty-one percentage points since 1994. Democrats and Republicans will split hairs on everything from tax reform to Civil War statues, but there is…

The Audacity of This Bitch

By Rebecca Goldstein I have been a member of the Binghamton Review for about two years now, and within the past two semesters I have noticed that we have some big issues. See that joke there? In all seriousness, many of our issues (otherwise known as our property) are being defaced and destroyed. Reminiscent of notes your mom left for you in your lunchbox, we’ve had cute notes left for us declaring us “fascists.” A…

Not-So Hidden Figures: The Costs of Repealing the Johnson Amendment

Political Participation for Religious Organizations Presents Divine Opportunity; Results Could Spell Judgement Day by Zachary Borodkin A few weeks after his inauguration, President Trump signed an Executive Order banning flights from seven countries in the Middle East; the backlash was immediate. That same week, Trump attended the National Prayer Breakfast. The first was held in 1953 and has been attended by every president since Eisenhower. In 1954, then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson attached an amendment to…

There’s Nothing Funny About Trump Calling for SNL’s Cancellation

by Zachary J Borodkin Early Sunday Morning, Trump tweeted: “Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me.Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!” Trump is known for his boisterous tweeting habits, so why the outrage over this tweet in particular? Since its inception more than 40 years ago, Saturday Night Live has served as a space for comic relief and restoration of sanity. Presidential elections have always been…

B.S Doesn’t Go Far Enough

By Joseph GunderStalin We know about unequal opportunity.  We know that inflation isn’t high enough.  We know about the failure of the rich man to give half of his assets to the poor man standing next to him to equalize their footing.  We know that the sameness of the population rests on the method of taking away from those evil capitalists of the top one tenth of the one tenth of the one tenth of…

Students for Change: Rebuttal

By Daniel Milyavsky My apologies for that very lame headline, but it happens. As most of you know, I wrote an op-ed for Pipe Dream against SfC and all the awful, stifling, and illiberal things they stand for. Despite not being published either in the print edition or on the home page, the article got a ton of attention and I was complimented on it by students of all political ideologies. The one thing that everyone…


Editorial: Change for Students Pipe Dream   Students for Change is making demands that deserve to be heard. Hiring more minorities as faculty, accepting more minority students, making bathrooms inclusive and requiring cultural competency courses for students are all valid suggestions and should be seriously considered by anyone who wishes to cultivate a diverse, progressive campus environment.   Do these demands REALLY deserve to be heard, or are they just a disgraceful example of a…

Blackface Controversy: A Letter to the Editor, and Our Response

Okay, it was actually a comment on this article, but nobody actually emails us letters to the editor, so I’ll just treat it as such. If anyone wants to send us an actual letter, feel free to email Victoria Brown November 16, 2013 at 10:44 am If anyone actually took the Binghamton Review seriously, it might be worth a few flips through previous articles that the BR has published in the past. One would…

Pipe Dream’s apology misses the mark

By Daniel Milyavsky, Editor-In-Chief Updated: Novmeber 13, 2013 12:25 pm Updated: December 1, 2013 12:25 pm Editors Note: This our first web exclusive article. I hope you enjoy it and find it enlightening! We encourage you to leave an online comment! In their November 8th issue, Pipe Dream published an opinion article by Julianne Cuba entitled “Dressing as another race isn’t always offensive”. The article defended Julianne Hough, who recently dressed up for Halloween as…

The State of Israel-Palestine Dialogue On Campus, Part II

By Arthur O’Sullivan My previous article created a timeline of events pertaining to the Israel-Palestine debate on campus, up to the February 14th Peace Quad protest. It was there that I interviewed my opposing sources for the article: Saul Hakim of the Binghamton University Zionist Organization (BUZO) and a local Palestinian organizer who asked to remain anonymous. This article aims to expand this timeline to the present and give a final verdict on the “state…

Why we need to bring the campus preacher back

 Calan Ibrahim  The First Amendment is the first because it is the most important. Freedom of expression is the acclaimed American ideal that separates us from the uncivilized countries of this world such as Canada. It brings passionate civil discourse, a dialogue necessary to fostering innovation and new ways of thinking, and a third thing.  This is why, in celebration of freedom of speech, we must bring back the campus preacher. But who is the…

“On the Political Warpath”: The Iowa Republican Caucus

By Logan Blakeslee The future of the United States is likely a subject which hangs over the minds of many college students. Armchair theorists and media pundits are rallying to announce that the “end of American democracy” is nigh, and such a prediction is bound to stir up feelings of hostility between voters of both parties. The outcomes of Donald Trump’s many court cases will pose uncertainties for the powers and limitations on the Executive…

Milei’s Victory is Just the First Step 

By Shayne O’Loughlin In a previous article, I took a journalistic approach to covering the curiosity that was Javier Milei, the libertarian Argentine presidential candidate, with a healthy balance of skepticism and optimism. No doubt that in a nation where a political ideology like Peronism has dominated politics for more than half a century, placing any bets on black would have been too dangerous a gamble. After the release of that article, the first round…

How to DEMOLISH Your New Year’s Resolution

Angelo DiTocco One of the most important aspects of life is becoming the best version of ourselves that we can be. We all have goals, and we all desire to achieve them. And just like November is the perfect time to stop whackin’ your worm see what you look like with facial hair, the new year is the perfect time to start realizing your true potential as a human being. But this is easier said…

TDS: Types I and II

By Arthur O’Sullivan Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS for short) can be broadly defined as an acute hysterical reaction—be it psychological, physical, or even spiritual—to the words, actions, presidency, and existence of the former president Donald J. Trump.  This phenomenon is not necessarily unique to the Orange Man: presidential derangement syndromes have been diagnosed as far back as the Elizabethan era of 2003, when the late psychiatrist and neoconservative pundit Charles Krauthammer coined the term “Bush…