BU Under Investigation for Alleged Free Speech Violations

By Tommy Gagliano and Harold Rook On September 15th, 2020, the United States Department of Education published a letter informing Binghamton University and President Harvey Stenger that a federal investigation into the University had been launched. The notice states that there “seems to be evidence suggesting Binghamton selectively applies its stated policies and procedures to discriminate against students based on the content of their speech and their decision to associate with groups such as the…

Hate Speech is Free Speech

By Sarah Waters As a member of multiple marginalized groups, I have been told absolutely appalling things. These sentiments, among many colorful insults and racial slurs, include, “Your kind is only good dead,” “I know to never trust one of you people,” and “Go back to where you came from!” It hurts. It’s heartbreaking. Those people are cruel. And I wholeheartedly support their right to say those things. We live in a society in which…

Stopping “Hate Speech” Infringes Upon Free Speech and Halts Progress

Silencing Those One Disagrees with Does More Harm Than Good by Judah Berger People throughout history have died for the right to the vote. Despite the anger many feel after this election, few would argue to suppress the right to vote for certain Americans. People have also died protecting their right to free speech. In response to post-election frustrations and confusion, there are calls for cracking down on “hate speech” on campuses in an effort to secure…

Cultural Authoritarianism and the Liberal Left’s betrayal of Free Speech

By Alex Carros Liberals in the United States, particularly on college campuses, have betrayed the very ideology from which their name derives: classical liberalism. Censorship, authoritarianism, and an increasing hostility towards anyone with certain opinions or ideologies has replaced civil liberty, political freedom, and equality under the law. Universities, complacent in this treachery, have allowed a hostile takeover over what should be a guardian of free inquiry and thought. “Safe spaces” are more important than…

Free of Charge: Apply for a VictimCard™ Today!

By Mirder O. Crows Why hello there! Tell me: are you sick of the typical uninspired brick-for-brack quote pertaining to the value of individualism? Do you feel victimized on a daily basis based on what you perceive as “microaggressions”? Do you need to subvert logical arguments and criticism from opponents in order to emphasize your subjective experience, shutting down any form of debate? Well look no further! I, Mirder O. Crows, come here to tell…

Students for Speech Codes

By Luke Kusick   “We must do away with all newspapers. A revolution cannot be accomplished with freedom of the press”~Che Guevara. The radical group Students for Change has the same mentality. Similar to Che, they have a revolution of their own that they want accomplished and that revolution is one in which no one anywhere is offended. They want a world where contradictory opinions, scary thoughts, micro-aggressions and anything that some arbitrary decider deems…

“Did We Forget?” 9/11 and Bing Review Humor

By Arthur O’Sullivan Sit down, kids. It’s time for a zoomer who was born after 9/11 to yap about this national tragedy to an audience of other zoomers even further removed from 9/11. Has anybody noticed that it’s become safe to joke about now? Sure, jokes about the terrorist attacks that killed 3,000 people probably started by midnight September 12th. Yet at some point in the intervening 23 years, 9/11 jokes went from being too…

Things to Appreciate about Binghamton

By Arthur O’Sullivan The pope is Catholic, bears defecate in the woods, and students gripe about Binghamton and her university.  This isn’t unexpected. Whether it’s here or Harvard, it’s always in fashion to complain and commiserate with others about the thing for which you’re paying five or six figures each year. Virtually all small talk ends in some bemoaning of the weather and its mysterious ways (60 degrees in August?!), the baffling choice to begin…

Good Riddance!

By Logan Blakeslee I feel a slight sting with every keystroke as I write my final piece for the Binghamton Review, the greatest student publication in the Southern Tier—nay, the world. Part of my struggle in putting my thoughts on the page is that I can scarcely believe that my time at Binghamton University is almost over. Like every other graduating senior, I will be receiving my horrifically overpriced diploma and then I will be…

An Interview with Donna Lupardo, NYS Assemblywoman

By Arthur O’Sullivan In a previous issue, I interviewed NYS Assemblywoman hopeful Lisa O’Keefe for our district 123. I have a history of interviewing political candidates, doing so for Happy Medium last fall during Binghamton’s city council race, Johnson City’s mayoral race, and Broome County’s District Attorney race. In this issue, I interviewed incumbent Representative Donna Lupardo. Together, these should present the two sides of our local politics, at least in this race. As I…

“I’m Not Calling That Shit X”: A Rant

By Liam Steele Twitter, X, Y, Z, whatever the fuck they’re calling it now, has been at the forefront of free speech (i.e., giving literally every numpty with internet access a platform) for years. With its recent change-in-hands to everyone’s favorite manchild billionaire, Musk of Eel, the platform     has expanded this free speech base and allowed everyone—even public figures not particularly favored by popular media for whatever reason (i.e., orange businessman, Chicago rap…

How to Write a Binghamton Review Article

By Saguaro  You there! Yes, you! Have you ever wanted to write an article for the world-renowned, top-of-the-line, free speech magazine, Binghamton Review? If so, I’ll give you some great advice on how to go about writing one. First, show up to a meeting and say that you will write an article. This will state your intentions to write, as well as provide you with people to reach out to in case you need help. …

“Baxter Devouring His Son”

By Logan Blakeslee Much has been spoken and written about the clash between pro-life and pro-choice students at Binghamton University on September 18, 2023. It was the first big campus controversy of the semester and one that will be remembered for a terrible, disgusting reason. I will address that reason shortly. Before that, I will say that Binghamton University cannot claim that it is sending its best and brightest out into the world when its…

Western Academia On Israel: What Could Go Wrong?

By Arthur O’Sullivan Hamas’ assault on Israel is a gut-wrenching historical turn. There can be no excuse, no equivocation, and certainly no euphemism for it. The sentence “The most Jews have been killed in a single day since the end of the Holocaust.” should not spark anything other than rage in the one reading it. Only the worst specimens of our fallen human race would defend—or worse—celebrate the massacres of the past two weeks. Still,…

Campus Censorship: The Education Issue of Our Time

By Brett Patrick Free speech and ideological diversity are fundamental pillars of college institutions. Over the years, this is a fact that US presidents recognized. In 1998, President Bill Clinton reaffirmed the basic human right to expression during a speech in China. In 2015, on a back-to-school tour, President Obama reminded students of the importance of campus dialogue. In 2019, President Trump signed an executive order that required colleges to enforce the right of free…