Response to Frances Beal Society’s Response to Tom Reed & Harvey Stenger

Dear Frances Beal Society, I made a great sacrifice in writing this. Not only because it means forfeiting my sexy article for Binghamton Review’s Valentine’s Day issue, but because it means I have to stoop to your level and engage in a discussion I shouldn’t have to have. I must set the record straight for the 10th time, knowing full-well the facts will get glossed over in place of emotional self-victimization. I write to tell…

Defamation & Prejudice: A Reflection on 2019

By Spencer Haynes As I have reflected on the political tumult of the past year, certain quotes, and newspaper articles have stuck out to me, helping me understand how certain biases and attitudes came to fruition this fall. I would first like to discuss Pipe Dream, and their bias against the College Republicans. To expose this bias, I will compare articles from the past year covering very similar events. The first covers the Republican/Turning Point…

A Letter to the Political Activists at Binghamton from an Alumnus

By Bradley Horowitz Binghamton University has made headlines through the recent controversies surrounding political activism. It started with the protests at the Columbus Day Parade, in which protesters blocked the parade route. Their goal was to draw attention to the maintenance of the county jail. Republican Mayor Rich Davis and his party responded by announcing a new bill that originally proposed fining and imprisoning anyone who was threatening or annoying a first responder. The Columbus…

Annoy the Police?

By Patrick McAuliffe In the midst of the surge in protests on BU’s campus, a new law is under consideration by Broome County legislators. This Thursday, November 21st, BC lawmakers will vote on a bill that makes “annoy[ing], alarm[ing], or threaten[ing]” emergency responders, including police officers, a criminal act – an “unclassified misdemeanor,” in fact. The penalties for this “harassment” are steep: up to one year in jail and/or up to a $5,000 fine. Unlike…

Arthur Laffer Event Shut Down by Protesters

By Tommy Gagliano On November 18th, 2019 at 7:30 PM, Binghamton University College Republicans hosted an event in Lecture Hall 8 titled “Trump, Tariffs, and Trade Wars.” The event featured world-renowned economist Dr. Arthur Laffer. According to College Republicans President John Restuccia, the purpose of the event was “to educate students on campus about free enterprise and limited government.” Four days prior, on November 14th, College Republicans set up a table on the “Spine” to…

Leftist Mob Harasses Conservative Students at BU

By Tommy Gagliano On November 14th, 2019, a crowd of an estimated size of 200 or more gathered on the “Spine” (a long central walkway in the middle of campus) at Binghamton University. Some were screaming and hurling insults, others were stealing or damaging property, and some were merely there to observe the chaos, or to record it on their phones. How did this happen? What led to this reaction, and the formation of such…

LeBron James is a Pussy Ass Bitch

By Paul Pot   Hello guys, gals, and other mental illness pals, I’m going to drop a straight truth bomb on you, so if that scares you, now is your first and last chance to turn away. If you text from an Apple device, watch the NBA, play Overwatch, or watch movies distributed by Paramount, you support oppression and everything else wrong with this god forsaken world. Why, you may ask? China. Let me catch…

The Ghost of Chinese Censorship

By Harold Rook   You know what? I’m going to do something edgy today! But what edgy thing can I do that I haven’t done before? Hmm, I already spent the past week making jokes about the Democrat presidential debates (like watching ten old grandparents nudging each other with canes over a bowl of spilled oatmeal) and Antifa (the literal embodiment of ironic Blackshirts). No, I need something new, something that truly deserves the public…

Progressive and Pro-Israel

By Emerald Ashe Last week, the 45th president of the United States said “any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat show a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.” Not even touching the fact that this represents deeply embedded falsehoods of the American Jewish community’s “dual loyalty,” this is the absolute wrong way to go about this. If Trump truly wants to win over and mobilize the Jewish people, he needs to adopt the…

The Progressive Rise of “Progressive” Violence

By Harold Rook Ah, the current political climate. So welcoming, warm, and not completely polarized to the point of absolute tribalism. Imagine if we got to a point in US politics where we had two radical extremes actively committing violence and terror in the name of their supposed ideals. That would be crazy, right? Unfortunately, this hope for moderation is becoming less and less likely as Americans drift towards the political extremes. This can be…

Area 51 and Weaponized Depression

By Patrick McAuliffe Thanks for stopping by, dear reader. My name is Patrick, former EIC-turned-Review groupie. It’s good to be back in the saddle and writing again after a summer (and the beginning of the rest of my life) of mindless obedience to the capitalist system. If you find yourself nodding along with that sentiment, you may be pleasantly – or unpleasantly – surprised with what you find here at the Review. We’re all about…

Do Pro-Life Messages Bother You?

By Jordan Jardine It may surprise some Review readers to hear this from me, but there is one political issue on which I have a moderately conservative stance: abortion. I am an anarchist, so I tend to err on the side of less state intervention in the lives of the people, but I also believe in the sanctity of all life and that the state, while it exists, should protect innocent lives by any means…

The Progressive Past of Republicans

By Jordan Jardine In a 2017 debate with one of today’s most prominent libertarians, Stefan Molyneux, linguist and political scholar Noam Chomsky (an icon of the libertarian left) stated that the early Republican Party of the mid-19th century – specifically in the 1870’s – was opposed to wage labor and saw it as a form of “chattel slavery” because it took away the individual autonomy of workers and their own labor. As an interesting tangent,…

The First Amendment v. The Public University

By Margarita Potapova “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…” A timeless statement and objectively the most important amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The First Amendment, an inalienable right, is now under attack across hundreds of college campuses nationwide. USLegal Dictionary defines a “speech code” as a “rule or regulation that limits, restricts, or bans speech beyond the strict legal limitations upon freedom of speech or…

The Forgotten Minority on Campus

By Matthew Rosen A couple weeks ago, I attended an event on campus where a panel talked about free speech at Binghamton University. The main talking point of the event was about the struggle of protecting freedom of speech while also creating a safe and comfortable environment for students. After the event, they had a question and answer session where students clearly took the side of Team Comfortable. They wondered, “Why we can’t defund the…