Anarchism vs. Authoritarian Leftism

By Jordan Jardine If you listen to the mainstream media or conservative pundits, you probably have heard them make generalizations about “the left.” For instance, one can often hear someone like Ben Shapiro refer to “the folks on the left… “ No nuance, no gray area. Also, mainstream conservative commentators like Tucker Carlson can also over-generalize about “the left.” Usually, when commentators such as the ones mentioned above make these generalized statements, they apply them…

Finally Finding Common Ground

By Patrick McAuliffe It’s no secret that we’ve been making waves since our inception in 1987. I remember a comic we published in ‘89 that was especially controversial. You may have seen it in Adam Shamah’s article from our Thanksgiving throwback issue. A man is interviewing for a job, and his interviewer is perusing his resume. He says to the prospect, “I must say, this is a very impressive resume. But you left out your…

Congressional Republicans, Adapt or Perish

By Max Newman As of writing this, it has been 387 days since President Trump was elected president, and 313 days since Donald Trump was inaugurated as president. And yet, it seems like absolutely nothing has changed in today’s dumpster fire of a Republican Party. Sure, President Trump was elected on a surge of working class fury and ordinary American rage at everything Washington D.C. represents, and interestingly enough, some Democrats have finally seen the…

Make Them Feel the Heat

By Max Newman It has been nearly a year since President Donald Trump was elected against all odds on November 8, 2016. Since President Trump’s inauguration, America has seen a new Supreme Court Justice in Neil Gorsuch, the cutting of regulations, the gradual remaking of the judiciary, stricter immigration laws and a new Federal Reserve Chairman. However, it is unfortunate that not one major legislative accomplishment has been passed under President Trump, even though Republicans have…

The Left’s Fetishization of Violence: A Response to Sarah Molano

by Sue Doe Nym One of the hallmarks of a functional, thriving society is the principle of freedom of speech: neither the government nor society can use violence, or the threat of violence, to intimidate you into silence. But after their embarrassing defeat to Donald Trump, the Left has grown more and more shrill and desperate; as a result, they’ve grown more radical (and quite frankly idiotic). Portions of their ideological movement have taken a…

Tech Tock, Tech Tock

By Jason Caci A technocracy is a government that is run by scientists, engineers, or experts in technology. I cannot tell you when the United States will become a technocracy, although the completion of the transition could occur in twenty years, forty years, or even a century or two. However, I can say with confidence that it will happen eventually. Heck, most of the world will probably be run under a technocratic government. Since the…


by Aditi Roy For all the talk about fake news after the election, there seems to be an influx of fake hate crimes being reported as well. While all sides of the political spectrum are guilty of post-election hate crime hoaxes, liberals seem to be working overtime in faking hate crimes to fit their “Trump’s racist-sexist-bigoted-homophobic-Islamophobic-transphobic-ableist-America” narrative. Of course, real hate crimes can happen to anyone. If they do occur, they should be reported and…

ABC’s of Hillary Clinton Scandals

by Aditi Roy A: Arms Deals Twenty countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation received $165 billion in commercial arms sales that were approved by Hillary Clinton’s State Department when she was Secretary of State. These deals increased the military strength of countries like Algeria, Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Oman, all of which have committed heinous human rights violations. Source: B: Benghazi What difference does it make that Hillary Clinton received hundreds of emails…

ABCs of the Left

By The Binghamton Review Staff A – Anthropology major: What degree could be more useful than anthropology? Accounting, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Management, Mathematics, Neuroscience, Physics, Psychology. B – Black Lives Matter: We’ll be protesting Pipe Dream on Tuesday and we demand a full apology for something vaguely racist. C – Cultural Appropriation: Eminem must be shot. D – Debt forgiveness: Forgive it all, no matter how much it ruins the world economy. E…

The Dream is Dying

By Max Newman On the heels of Martin Luther King Day and with Black History Month approaching, a grim realization has dawned on me. No, it’s not the realization that Jada Pinkett Smith is serious about boycotting the Oscars for being “too White” for the second year in a row. No, it’s not the realization that Stephen Colbert continues to pander to the left by recently admitting he has “White privilege”. It is the realization…

Students for the Status Quo

By Jordan Raitses I am sure that this is obvious, but we at the Binghamton Review don’t like Students for Change very much. They are a hateful and divisive group that claims to support minority rights, but they do not. They support their own agenda which comprises white-bashing and unfairly attacking and harassing certain administrators to an unacceptable extent. President Harvey Stenger recently attended a Students for Change event and, after approximately two hours of…

Why We Need A More Militarized Thought Police

By Luke Kusick Ever since Executive Order 7248 passed at the beginning of President Obama’s third term, Americans have become accustomed to Thought Police monitoring all of us. Secret abductions, trials where one is guilty until proven innocent and dangerous thoughts such as tax cuts, freedom of speech and the right to bare arms resulting in the execution of people have skyrocketed. In this new glorious Utopia, we have seen that the Thought Police’s tactics…

Congressman Stenger and the Fall of Students for Change

By Sean Glendon After establishing himself as a results-oriented leader with the ability to create positive change during his tenure at Binghamton University, Harvey Stenger decided to set his sights on a stage where he could create an even larger difference: the United States Congress. While the value of his Cornell degree may have decreased with the annulment of the school’s Ivy League status, the honorary degree that he was granted by Binghamton University after…

CPAC Reflections

The Binghamton Review team attended the Conservative Political Action Conference this year, an annual event which draws thousands of Republicans, conservative, and libertarians to a conference to…do whatever people do at conferences, I suppose. Here are our takes on the experience:   Daniel Milyavsky This was my second year in a row attending CPAC. I had a great start to my conference, as I had the privilege to meet Rand Paul in his U.S. Senate…

What is a Hackathon

By Anonymous Imagine for a moment a room full of eager college students, who have not bathed, slept or even seen sunlight for the past 36 hours. No, this isn’t the cram session you usually do with your friends, 2 days before a test worth 40% of your grade, this is a Hackathon. Put frankly a Hackathon is a collection of ambitious Computer Scientists and Engineers who come together at a specified location (usually a…