The Meal Plan Scam

Shane Rossi At the fundamental level of human existence, eating is essential. Binghamton University is struggling to meet this basic need. The meal plan has failed to properly service the students, and instead has been used to benefit Sodexo and the University. Although their mission is education, in reality, they behave more like a corporation. Under the current system, students living in on-campus communities have to pay three thousand dollars for the meal plan. However,…

A Brief Dive into the History and Evolution of Food Establishments on Campus

By Daniel Guido As we kick off a new year at Binghamton University, many of us are falling back into familiar routines: settling into dorms or apartments, navigating campus, and frequenting the dining halls and MarketPlace. For newcomers, it’s a fresh introduction to Binghamton’s dining options, each with its pros and cons. Adjusting to our unique meal plan, which sets us apart from other SUNY schools, is part of the experience and shock for many.…

A Guide to Enjoying Greater Binghamton Like a Local

Louis W. Leonini Recently, I had the opportunity to speak to a colleague whose daughter is enrolled at B.U. and was sad to hear something all too familiar. He said his daughter feels like there’s nothing interesting to eat besides college junk food, it’s depressing, and she is bored. Sadly, this isn’t the first time I heard a story like that. The average student thinks that much of the Southern Tier seems to have been…

Breaking the Sodexo Slop Cycle

By Aiden Miller Seeing the young and innocent faces of the incoming freshmen is always a sobering sight. Sadly, new students will quickly unearth that one of Binghamton’s most bragged-about accomplishments was a lie: its food.  “The Premier Public Ivy” often touts the vast food options it provides to its hardworking and dedicated student body. From the Kosher Korner to Subway, Harvey Stenger and his cronies peddle how Binghamton University and its food provider Sodexo…