If MrBeast Were a Recruiter

Angelo DiTocco “I GATHERED 100 COLLEGE STUDENTS, AND WHOEVER IMPRESSES ME THE MOST GETS THIS $120,000 INTERNSHIP!” The students all whispered to each other in excitement. They had no idea that by sending their applications to IBM, they were entering a contest hosted by the man himself, Jimmy Donaldson. What was he doing here? It wasn’t until one student looked MrBeast up on his phone that they learned what had happened: Jimmy had inexplicably quit…

I Was in a MrBeast Video

Angelo DiTocco Over the past few years, the name “MrBeast” has become synonymous with battle royale style competitions, expansive philanthropic projects, and extremely large sums of money. As the biggest YouTuber to ever exist, the man behind the channel, Jimmy Donaldson, seemed invincible. But that all changed in late July of this year when he was suddenly slapped in the face with a never–ending stream of allegations by former employees: running illegal lotteries, scamming children,…